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A century in water and wastewater planning, design and construction management is the foundation from which we build today’s infrastructure.

We apply sound technical knowledge while adapting to current and future regulatory, security and sustainability challenges to create comprehensive water and wastewater solutions in the public and private sector. Using state-of-the-art technology, we ensure our clients meet environmental regulations to protect water as our most precious resource. Our water supply capabilities span master planning/modeling, source water development, treatment, residuals handling, pumping, storage, and transmission and distribution with multiple areas of expertise that address every complexity. Our wastewater capabilities include facility planning and sewer modeling, feasibility studies, pumping, gravity sewers and force mains, and a full range of treatment facility designs including biosolids handling. Our experienced hands-on knowledge of water and wastewater systems enables us to design facilities that are practical, cost-effective and operator friendly.

Our Work in