Crystal Rock Wastewater Pumping Station and Force Main. Germantown, Maryland.
WRA prepared a Facility Plan that determined the necessity for a new 24 MGD wastewater pumping station that needed to meet unique design standards based on the conclusions of an extensive public outreach program. WRA designed the new pumping station and approximately 13,000 LF of 36-inch force main. The station superstructure was designed to appear similar to a park maintenance facility and blends in with the surrounding area. Many of the conventional above grade features were located below grade, showcasing the unique architectural design. Odor control of the wet well and chemical injection was provided along with a stand-by diesel engine generator to ensure operational reliability.
Services Performed
Project Highlights
Wastewater Pumping
Design included dry-pit submersible pumps, piping layout and valve selection to meet initial and future flow rates. Design included a carbon adsorption unit for wet well ventilation and an iron salt chemical system to limit H2S formation in the force main.
Structural design services included the design of the pump station wet well and dry well, station superstructure, and on-site vaults.
Architectural services included the design of the exterior components of the station to mimic a park maintenance building. The station is located in a public park and the exterior was designed for protection through the use of vandal resistant coatings.
Electrical design services included electrical feed to the station, an emergency generator and associated components, all power and electrical components for the pumps and motors.
Civil/Land Development
Civil included all site work and piping including a gravity sewer and force mains. All site plan approvals and environmental permits were secured by WRA. An 800 foot long access road with form lined retaining walls was designed to mimic stone.