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Force Mains.

With extensive force main experience, our team has implemented designs ranging in size from four to 108 inches in diameter.

Force mains originate at wastewater pumping stations and often complement these structures. Using our in-house civil, mechanical, geotechnical and structural engineers, as well as our experts in traffic control, construction management, inspection, environmental analysis and permitting, we meet the multidisciplinary requirements of force main design and construction. Using innovative thinking and new technology, we address the specific challenges of force main design, including surge analysis and mitigation, air and vacuum relief, odor control and corrosion control. In addition, force mains may need to be tunneled under roads, railroads, streams and other environmentally sensitive areas, requiring trenchless installation methods such as tunneling and directional drilling. We share a vision with our clients to provide environmentally sound solutions.

Our Work in
Force Mains