Crystal Rock Force Main. WSSC Service Area, Maryland.
WRA prepared a Memorandum for WSSC listing three alignment options. The final route was primarily through County public right of ways with three private properties. Force main design of the 36 inch pipeline included a flow network hydraulic analysis, air/vacuum valve vaults, blow off valves, traffic control, permitting, and the final connection detail into an existing sanitary manhole.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Force Mains
WRA performed field surveys of the pipeline corridor and preparation of construction plans, profiles, details, and specifications. Easement drawings to obtain rights of ways from private residents, traffic control, and erosion and sediment control were also included.
Water/Wastewater Facilities
WRA provided full-time resident construction inspection services for 13,000 linear feet of force main extension to WSSC’s new 24 MGD Crystal Rock Pumping Station and the construction of 2,000 linear feet of new force main, in relocated Maryland Route 118.