Bush Creek Force Main. Harford County, Maryland.
The project was broken into a series of Tasks, where Task 1 was the pumping station improvements, and Tasks 2 and 3 were the force main replacement. Additional tasks were added by the Owner, including Task 4 – Sod Run Interceptor Sewer Extension and Task 5 – Existing Force Main Sliplining. The force main project included approximately 11,000 linear feet of 36-inch force main, while the interceptor sewer task included 8,000 linear feet of 36, 42, and 48-inch gravity sewer. Two horizontal directional drill (HDD) river crossings totaling 3,600 linear feet were included in the design of the force main. In addition to the river crossings, the alignment includes design in State Highway right-of-way, an Amtrak railroad crossing, 100-year flood plain, wetlands and waterways, Critical Area permitting, coordination with extensive existing utilities, and private property access and easement documents.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
WRA’s traffic group developed traffic control plans to install the new force main along US 40 and to rehabilitate the existing force main crossing Bush River, which included coordination with both Harford County and MSHA officials.
WRA provided information about Amtrak’s requirements for tunneling projects, determining where the tunnel could cross Amtrak’s right-of-way without interfering with Amtrak infrastructure, preparation of the crossing application, and reviewing contractors’ methods for compliance with Amtrak requirements.
This project required boundary, topographic, hydrographic, wetland location and easement plats that required record plats of area subdivisions. Surveys were tied to the Maryland State Plane Coordinate System NAD 83 and NAVD 88 bench marks using static GPS methodology.
WRA Environmental Staff completed all field work and documentation required to secure authorization and permitting from state and federal agencies, which included wetland permitting (USACE & MDE), Roadside Tree Permit (MDNR), Tidal Wetland License (MDBPW), and Critical Area approval (CBCAC).