New Jones Falls Force Main and Pressure Sewer. Baltimore, Maryland.
Required by Baltimore’s Consent Decree with EPA/MDE, design included: hundreds of existing utility crossings, extensive traffic control plans, tunneling under major commuter routes, exterior pipe corrosion protection and special pipeline linings for hydrogen sulfide protection. Project completion met the Consent Decree in-service date.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Wastewater Pumping
Three 36-inch plug valves allowed various combinations of pump discharge from the Jones Falls Pumping Station. A 30-inch plug valve at Huntingdon Avenue and 29th Street allows flow from the Stony Run Pumping Station to enter the force main.
Force Mains
21,000 linear feet of 42, 48 and 54-inch prestressed concrete cylinder pipe included both internal and external corrosion protection. 250 feet of 24-inch gravity sewer and 2,300 feet of water main relocations were also included.
Four cast in place concrete valve vaults, and four pre-cast vaults for air release and vacuum release valves, a dewatering manhole, and a junction chamber were included in WRA’s design.
To replace trees removed for construction, a total of 122 deciduous trees were replanted along the pipeline alignment, including the Wyman Park area.
The entire four plus miles of the alignment were surveyed by WRA to provide the base maps for the sewer design.