Southwest Corridor Water Transmission Main. Chesterfield County, Virginia.
WRA utilized the Chesterfield County’s existing hydraulic water model to evaluate the system. The model was updated to reflect existing conditions and an updated demand distribution was performed. Evaluations were performed at various years throughout the planning horizon, as well as build-out, to determine ultimate capacity required as well as sizing of the initial phase of construction. Also included in the approach was an evaluation of: potential alignments, storage requirements and tank sizing, material evaluation, corrosion analysis and a geotechnical evaluation. During construction of the waterline, WRA provided full time construction inspection.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Master Planning and Modeling
WRA developed a Preliminary Engineering Report showing phasing and line sizing, pumping station and tank location.
Water/Wastewater Facilities
WRA provided full time inspection for the 42-inch water line construction.