St. Elizabeth's Hospital Tank. Washington, DC.
A major component of the project is a 4,200 ft long 24” water transmission main connecting the new tank to DC Water’s system in the southeast portion of the District of Columbia. Due to the varied terrain, the water transmission main includes air release and blowoff valve vaults and isolation valves. The main also has cathodic protection, consisting of sacrificial anodes, an external coating, and electrical continuity.
Tank features include an internal mixing system, cathodic protection system, and a water distribution monitoring panel measuring water temperature, turbidity, chlorine residual, UV radiation, pH and pressure. Sample ports at the low and mid-levels of the tank feed the monitoring panel.
The project also included the demolition and hazardous material removal of an abandoned apartment building in the path of the access road. Storm water management is accomplished by a series of bio-retention basins.