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Biosolids and Residuals Handling.

Our expertise includes planning and design of solids treatment, handling, and disposal facilities for water and wastewater treatment plants, with designs for facilities ranging from 0.5 to 370 million gallons per day.

We plan and design residuals collection, conveyance, stabilization, dewatering and disposal projects for water plant residuals and wastewater treatment biosolids. We respond to the needs of our clients, providing exceptional service through every phase of development. As trusted experts in the field, we use pilot testing when needed to aid in process selection. We conduct production scale demonstration testing and performance evaluation of thickening and dewatering equipment. Our range of experience includes thickening, Class A and B stabilization, dewatering and re-use/disposal options. Recognized as an industry leader, we designed one of the largest gravity belt thickener facilities in the United States.

Our Work in
Biosolids and Residuals Handling