Fort Detrick Water Treatment Plant Repair. Frederick, Maryland.
WRA provided design services for major repairs of the Fort Detrick Water Treatment Plant. The project included removal of unused structures and systems, repairs to and modification of the majority of the existing facilities and treatment systems, provision of new treatment systems and facilities to bring the plant into compliance with MDE requirements. The project included field investigations, surveys, process analysis, participation in a Value Engineering study, ADA compliance, energy upgrades, preparation of contract documents and cost estimates on a compressed schedule. Major components included new raw water pumps, pre-sedimentation basins, new chemical building, renovated flocculation and sedimentation basins, new residuals thickening and dewatering facilities, new laboratory and offices, renovated filter equipment, UV disinfection system and new finished water pumping. Construction is enabled by a complete plant shutdown with all water temporarily furnished by the City of Frederick.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Proximity to the Monocacy River prompted submission of a Joint Permit Application (JPA). The primary issue that was successfully resolved involved determination that the proposed construction would have negligible impact upon the flood plain.
Significant structural repairs were required that range from crack and spall repairs to the reconstruction of the top 12-inches of the sedimentation basin walls. The top elevations of the basin walls were also increased by 1.7 feet to improve access.
Water Treatment
Provisions for UV disinfection were included for compliance with SDWA requirements for inactivation of Cryptosporidium. To overcome limitations on residuals discharge, process adjustments were approved by MDE for recycle treatment of liquid waste streams. A pre-engineered metal enclosure was designed for the flocculation / sedimentation basins.