Cumberland Wastewater Treatment Plant Gravity Belt Thickener Facility. Cumberland, Maryland.
In response to the Chesapeake Bay Program, the City of Cumberland retained WR&A to conduct a study and the design of a biological nutrient removal (BNR) treatment process to achieve a goal of reducing total nitrogen to a level of 8 mg/l. Included in the study were evaluations of the impacts of the BNR process on sludge management, especially sludge thickening, stabilization with egg-shaped anaerobic digesters, odor control for wastewater and sludge handling processes. The existing egg-shaped digesters were evaluated to determine capacity and optimize volatile solids destruction. Digester parameters and the operational strategy were examined, and sludge thickening alternatives were evaluated to select the most effective processes for improving digester performance and extending capacity. Based on the studies, a new gravity belt thickening facility was recommended to provide separate thickening of all waste activated sludge.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Biosolids and Residuals Handling
WR&A prepared process mechanical designs for two new 1-meter gravity belt thickeners, waste activated sludge holding tanks, and associated equipment.
A new brick building was designed to house all new process equipment.
The project included design of the concrete structure for the Gravity Belt Thickener Building and Sludge Holding Tanks. Structural design included steel, concrete masonry, and cast-in-place concrete.