North Fork Regional Pumping Station, Camelot Pumping Station and Wastewater Treatment Abandonment. Albemarle County, Virginia.
The Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for the project discussed and compared the alternatives for the location and placement of an 8 MGD regional pump station and its force mains. The report also discussed options for gravity sewer extensions to allow abandonment of the existing Research Park pump station. The PER provided a summary of the improvements needed to abandon the existing Camelot WWTP and to direct flows to the regional station through a 5.75 MGD wastewater (Camelot) pump station and force mains.
The design phase of the project included the preparation of contract documents for two construction contracts. The 16-inch diameter pipeline design plans and specifications were prepared as one construction contract while the North Fork Regional Pump Station, the Camelot Pump Station and the Camelot WWTP abandonment comprised the other contract.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Civil/Land Development
WRA’s civil group provided project management and performed all study efforts for the PER and prepared all design plans and documents for the pipelines, site plans for the pump stations, and abandonment plans for the Camelot WWTP.
Wastewater Pumping
Pump selections, pump control valves, mechanical grinders, heating and ventilation control, compressed air conveyance systems and all supporting plans and specifications were provided by the mechanical group.
WRA designed all electrical components for both pump stations which includes motor control centers, switchboards, transfer switches and generators, variable frequency drives and associated controls, and also coordinated electrical service extensions to both pump stations with the local utility company.
Design of diversion chambers, wet wells, sluice gates, monorails, hoists, and all foundations were provided by the structural design group.
The survey group prepared all topographic and planimetric mapping through a compilation of aerial and field developed surveys. Property research and easement plat preparation was also performed.
Instrumentation and Controls
The control descriptions for the operation of both pump stations and control functions for pump control valves and VFDs were prepared. The SCADA input and output points and data were also coordinated with an ongoing SCADA project for the ACSA.
An evaluation of subsurface conditions and rock removal requirements was performed and project specifications developed. A Geotechnical Investigation Report with foundation design parameters was also prepared for the contract documents.