Hydrogeology. Ocean City, Maryland.
Ocean City is a summer resort area that uses approximately 20 water production wells to meet a maximum day demand of 14 million gallons per day (mgd). The wells withdraw from the Ocean City and Manokin Aquifers, which are two confined aquifers that form part of the Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system. We prepared comprehensive studies of the groundwater supply and assessed the long term changes in aquifer water levels due to pumping, and the cones of depression that develop in the aquifers in response to the seasonal pumping stress. WRA assessed the chloride concentrations in the ground water, and estimated the rate of salt water movement toward well fields. Based on our recommendations, the Town has implemented a program of spreading groundwater withdrawals throughout the Town to slow salt water intrusion.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
WRA provided well construction specifications and hydrogeologic services during construction for several water production wells, each of which provides at least a million gallons per day of groundwater. We assisted with the Town’s State water appropriation and use permits, required by Maryland Department of the Environment.