Cumberland Wastewater Treatment Plant Enhanced Nutrient Removal. Cumberland, Maryland.
WRA has provided wastewater engineering services for the City of Cumberland for more than forty years. Most recently, WRA designed the ENR Upgrade to provide the City with a robust system capable of achieving limit of technology nitrogen and phosphorus effluent levels while contending with sustained peak flows from the City’s combined sewer system. The plant upgrade included modifications to the aeration basins to a Step-Feed BNR configuration and new deep bed denitrification filters with methanol addition.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Water/Wastewater Facilities
WRA provided complete Construction Management and Inspection services for the ENR Upgrade. The services included construction administration services, full time on-site inspection, preparation of a process Operation and Maintenance Manual, and start-up assistance.
Wastewater Treatment
WRA designed the modifications to the biological reactors, which optimized the utilization of the available carbon source in the primary effluent. WRA also prepared the process design for the new deep bed denitrification filters.
WRA designed the support building for the Cumberland WWTP denitrification filters. The roughly 10,000 square foot building housed the process valves and piping, blowers, and electrical and control equipment. The building was designed to complement and enhance the existing plant architecture.
WRA prepared the structural design of a new Denitrification Filter Building and Methanol Facility that involved reinforced concrete and steel design as well as rehabilitation of the three Biological Reactors and four Final Clarifiers.