Chesapeake Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant ENR Upgrade. Chesapeake Beach, Maryland.
The Town of Chesapeake Beach selected WRA to prepare a preliminary engineering report and final design documents for upgrading and expanding the Chesapeake Beach WWTP to meet the ENR requirements for total nitrogen and total phosphorous for the 1.5 MGD facility. The improvements included modifications to the existing activated sludge reactors to provide for the capability for complete year-round nitrification, new secondary clarifiers, and new tertiary deep-bed denitrification filters. Other essential plant improvements were also designed by WRA, including headworks facility upgrades, new UV disinfection, a new sludge dewatering facility, and laboratory and administration building improvements.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Water/Wastewater Facilities
WRA has provided construction administration services, engineering services during construction, and a resident project representative.
Instrumentation and Controls
The design includes a Plant Control System (PCS) providing monitoring and automatic control of all process areas, utilizing 11 distributed PLCs communicating on a dedicated Fiber Optic control network. WRA will complete programming of the PCS during construction.
Wastewater Treatment
WRA prepared designs to meet effluent requirements of <3 mg/l total nitrogen and 0.3 mg/l total phosphorous. WRA developed a plant wide process model using BioWin® to establish design criteria. WRA designed process pipelines, potable water, non-potable water, and chemical feed.
The Blower and Solids Buildings are brick masonry, selected to match existing campus architecture. Roofing is sloped standing seam metal roof. The Solids Building has metal siding, compatible with the other structures. Window openings are filled with translucent fiberglass panels.
WRA performed a subsurface investigation to determine on-site conditions and to provide foundation recommendations for the proposed ENR upgrades.