Four Mile Creek Pumping Station and Force Main. Henrico County, Virginia.
WRA designed the new 7.5 MGD capacity wastewater pumping station, which also included the design of approximately 500 LF of gravity sewer into the station, and approximately 150 LF of 18-inch force main with a parallel 10-inch line into the future 54-inch force main to the Henrico Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility.
The pumping station utilized dry-pit submersible pumping units with variable speed control for a wetwell/drywell design, and consists of standby generator, monorail system, emergency force main bypass connection, instrumentation and SCADA system. The wetwell was an unequal, split design size based on minimum 10 minute cycle time and included access hatches for vacuum truck operation.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Wastewater Pumping
Mechanical design included pump selection for initial and future flows, piping layout and valve selection within the pump station. Design services included: surge control devices, pump controls and emergency bypass pump operation.
Structural design services included the design of the pump station wet well, superstructure and crane hoist system.
Architectural services included the design of the exterior components of the station. The station is located adjacent to a County park and was designed to fit in with the park facilities.
Electrical design services included electrical feed to the station, an emergency generator and associated components, all power and electrical components for the pumps, motors and Variable Frequency Drives.
Civil/Land Development
Services included all site work and site piping including a gravity sewer and force mains. The County added the design of 4,900 LF of 54-inch force main to the contract. All site plans and environmental permits were secured by WRA.