HRSD Kiln Creek / Route 171 Interceptor Force Main. York County, Virginia.
The Kiln Creek/RT 171 IFM project includes a total of approximately 32,000 LF of 24 through 42-inch interceptor force mains, as well as a dozen large diameter guided jack/bore trenchless road crossings; a 36-inch OD 1,000 foot long horizontal directional drill (HDD) installation and 42, 30 and 24-inch line stops and raw sewage bypass line installations to complete the required tie-ins and connections. The project included relocating approximately 1,500 LF of existing 24-inch force main out of backyards to minimize impacts to residents in the event of a future leak or break. Design included developing a preliminary site plan and yard piping layout for the future Tabb pressure reducing station (PRS) west of Big Bethel Road. Work included installation of approximately 1,200 LF of 12-inch force main along Yorktown Road to abandon 3,300 LF of asbestos-cement pipe.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Force Mains
New interceptor force main layouts were designed to minimize impacts to private property and to pedestrian and vehicular traffic; to avoid wetlands and environmentally sensitive areas; and to facilitate access for operation and maintenance staff.
WRA conducted subsurface investigations and provided recommendations for trenchless road crossings and for the 1,000 LF horizontal directional drill installation through a narrow (20 foot wide) neighborhood common area in close proximity to residences to avoid impacts to a cypress swamp.
WRA worked with geotechnical and civil/utility engineers to design thrust restraint for large diameter line stops to ensure the adequacy of the installation for temporary flow bypassing requirements during tie-ins to existing lines.