Sussex County Wastewater Master Plan. Sussex County, Delaware.
The comprehensive regional planning studies focused on the Inland Bays and South Coastal Regional Wastewater Facility Planning Areas. These areas are projected to serve 126,000 and 90,000 equivalent dwelling units (EDUs) respectively at build-out. The projects required performing a land use and zoning analysis to estimate buildout EDUs and wastewater flow projections, the development of regional collection, conveyance and treatment alternatives, and the evaluation of existing infrastructure including gravity sewers, force mains and pump stations. Additional tasks included hydrogeological studies, exploration of wastewater disposal technologies, preparation of environmental assessments and detailed cost estimating, mapping and hydraulic modeling of existing sewer districts, and a review of an ocean outfall alternative for each planning area.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Master Planning and Modeling
WRA performed all analysis for the planning study including detailed hydraulic modeling of the existing systems and system layouts for future regional infrastructure extensions
WRA reviewed existing pump stations to determine future required upgrades.
Wastewater Pumping
WRA reviewed existing pump stations to determine future required upgrades.