Susquehanna Transmission Main. Baltimore, Maryland.
WRA’s design of the 250 MGD Deer Creek Pumping Station was part of this important water supply project. WRA prepared eight separate contracts for the construction of the transmission main as an alternative/redundant source of raw water to the Montebello Filtration Plants. Designs included pipeline, tunnels, vaults with 8-inch vacuum relief/air release valves, 8-inch surge valves, drain valves and a 500 MGD intake structure. Designs included services for survey and right-of-way acquisition. WRA prepared the design for an upgrade contract to replace the vacuum relief and surge valves along the 38 mile route.
Services Performed
Project Highlights
Water Transmission and Distribution
Civil design included general planning, layout, routing and final design of the transmission system. WRA provided the hydraulic designs that sized the 108 and 96-inch diameter portions of the system and established the pumping station design parameters.
Geotechnical concepts for open cut and tunneling portions of the system were part of the design services.
Structural design of the vaults that served the surge protection system and the air release and vacuum relief valves were provided.