Sanitary Engineering Services, Patapsco Sewershed, Task D, G, H. Baltimore County, Maryland.
WRA established a sewer system metering program for the Patapsco Sewershed using 28 temporary flow meters that were maintained for a period of nine months. Results from the flow metering were used to complete the I/I analysis and calibrate the hydraulic model. The model was populated by importing the County’s GIS and verified with field investigations and survey data. Using the results of the I/I analysis and the calibrated hydraulic model, WR&A prepared Long term Capacity/Peak Flow Management Reports. Using the results of the field investigations, CCTV and manhole inspection review, and the hydraulic analysis/modeling, a Sewershed Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation (SRRR) Plan was developed to document the complete hydraulic and structural improvements necessary to prevent the occurrence of model predicted SSOs under a full range of design storm events in accordance with the County’s Consent Decree.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Master Planning and Modeling
WRA performed all tasks necessary for the development of the final Patapsco Sewershed Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation (SRRR) Plan in accordance with Baltimore County’s Consent Decree.