Restore the Corridor (I-95 Rehabilitation). Wilmington, DE.
WRA provided overall design services to rehabilitate the mile-long Wilmington Viaduct and 17 other project bridges on I-95 in Wilmington, Delaware, and is currently providing construction support services. The goal of this project is to extend the useful service life of all project bridges a minimum of 30 years, while minimizing traffic disruption on I-95 during construction for a maximum duration of 2 years. Given the major risks associated with working on I-95 in an urban environment, WRA assisted DelDOT with a project delivery analysis that resulted in DelDOT’s decision to complete final design and construct the project using CMGC. WRA is providing continuous support to DelDOT’s public relations program including developing a robust outreach campaign that included community workshops, coordinating and periodically meeting with a community advisory group, EMS providers, the City of Wilmington, local government and state representatives, local utilities, etc.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
WRA completed LiDAR and traditional surveys and conducted utility survey of the entire project limits. Assessed substandard highway features and provided recommended upgrades including reconstructing I-95 shoulders and medians and eleven on/ off ramps and replacing existing asphalt pavement with a concrete section. WRA developed MOT phasing plans to minimize I-95 mainline construction to 2 years.
The WRA team delineated twelve tidal wetlands and three waters of the US within the project limits. WRA participated in monthly Permitting Task-Force meetings to engage in agency coordination with USACE, DNREC WSLS, DNREC F&W, Delaware Parks, DE SHPO, and EPA to further avoid/minimize project impacts on protected resources without compromising the design intent.
WRA worked with DelDOT to identify locations for permanent and temporary traffic sensors throughout the project limits, utilizing a traffic management system to collect volume and speed data and broadcast real-time travel and alternate route information to motorists via permanent and portable changeable message signs.
WRA designed and incorporated several innovative bridge rehabilitation strategies in conjunction with Accelerated Bridge Construction techniques to extend the service life of the project bridges including complete removal of specified transverse joints in favor of link slab installation using ultra-high performance concrete.
Construction Management
WRA is currently providing full-time onsite bridge engineers who quickly and efficiently resolve unforeseen field conditions, discuss material and repair options with the contractor to streamline construction and/or improve the final product.
Alternative Project Delivery
WRA supported the development of the RFP and evaluation process to select the contractor. WRA coordinated the design with DelDOT and the construction manager while finalizing the contract documents including plans, specifications, and cost estimates, and prepared early work packages to advance the construction of schedule-critical components. WRA participated in weekly Task Force meetings covering Bridge, Highway, Traffic, Permitting, and Cost and Schedule. This collaboration continues in construction to provide innovate approaches to expedite construction and maximize the project’s benefit while minimizing cost and risk to maintain the accelerated schedule.
Water Resources
WRA identified the limits of the City’s combined sewer outfall system to determine the net treatment requirements for the project and coordinated with DelDOT and DNREC to confirm the SWM approach given the extremely limited opportunities due to the constrained, urban nature of I-95 north of the main viaduct bridge and close proximity of tidal wetlands to the south.