Replacement of Bridge BC-6521 carrying Georges Creek Road over Georges Run. Baltimore County, Maryland.
The two span bridge, 84 feet long, was constructed with reinforced concrete deck supported by five reinforced concrete tee beams. The bridge foundations were bearing on a layer of bedrock and were constructed using reinforced concrete. The new bridge would be only a single span, 105 feet, consisting of a reinforced concrete deck supported on three precast-prestressed reinforced concrete bulb tee beams. The reinforced concrete abutment foundations were keyed into the same layer of bedrock that supported the original structure. The foundations of the original bridge were cut-off just above the ground line to not only help provide scour protection for the new bridge, but to save money by alleviating their complete removal.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
The replacement structure consists of three 55.5” deep Bulb-Tee girders spanning 105’-0” on semi-integral abutments founded on spread footings and subfoundation concrete located behind the existing abutments. Removal of the pier improved the hydraulics of the opening.