Monocacy Sewershed Wastewater Utility Study. Frederick County, Maryland.
The Study was conducted in two Phases:
Phase I: This report presented the estimated remaining capacity of the collection system which was analyzed using a newly created sewer hydraulic model of the combined County/City collection and conveyance system. Capacity issues were identified under both present and future conditions. Key system components were also analyzed for capacity.
Phase II: The Phase II report identified and presented specific infrastructure improvements to address and accommodate future growth and established an order and timing for these projects. Planning level costs were identified for each of the improvements. At both the County and City’s request, Phase II also included some revised modeling to more accurately reflect current flow conditions. The Phase II report was presented to the County, City and a consortium of local developers, and was finalized in August 2013.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Master Planning and Modeling
WRA civil and wastewater engineers performed all phases of this project, including model development, alternative analysis, cost estimating, and presentation in a series of written reports. Study results were also presented to City and County elected officials in a joint meeting.