Mechanicsville Elementary School. St. Mary’s County, Maryland.
WRA worked closely with SMCPS to plan and design vehicular/pedestrian circulation improvements, bus loop, and parking modifications to improve site conditions at Mechanicsville Elementary School. Our initial efforts involved analyses of circulation patterns and development of concept renovation alternatives. The selected renovations included re-construction of the parking lot, construction of two new entrances along Old Village Road, a new parking turn-around area for school buses, relocation of existing playgrounds/fields, and other associated site improvements including ESD SWM facilities. The bus traffic was separated from the visitor and drop off area to address safety concerns and to reduce traffic impacts on the surrounding areas. Entrance improvements along MD Rt. 5 required coordination and approval from MD State Highway Administration.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Civil/Site Development
Site concept alternatives were prepared with the help of the conducted site investigations. Grading design, SWM, utility infrastructure, and E&SC measures for the project were also prepared. Site plan approvals were obtained from the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Soil Conservation District, and the Department of Public Works and Transportation.
Topographic surveys of the project limits were conducted.