Marriottsville Road Water Storage Tank. Howard County, Maryland.
WRA provided planning, preliminary engineering, final design, permitting, construction administration and inspection for the design of a 1.25 Million Gallon (MG) elevated water storage tank, booster pumping station located in the base of the tank and water mains along Marriottsville Road. The tank was selected to be of the composite style tank design due to its lower projected maintenance cost compared to other tank styles. The tank consists of a concrete circular ring base and a steel water storage tank.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Water Storage
The pumping station consists of three horizontal split case centrifugal pumping units, piping and a sodium hypochlorite storage and pumping system. The piping arrangement allowed the tank water to flow back into the 630 West Pressure Zone or to be pumped into the 730 Pressure Zone.
Civil/Land Development
Civil design included the site grading, vehicle access and stormwater management system.
This project required surveys for boundary, topography, wetlands, easements, construction stakeout, and as-builts. The survey was tied to the Maryland State Plane Coordinate System NAD 83 and NAVD 88 benchmarks using static GPS methods.
Test borings were taken to characterize the soils to form the basis of foundation design for the pump station and water storage tank.
Instrumentation and Controls
All major process equipment and instrumentation will be monitored and controlled locally and remotely from the Howard County Bureau of Utility central SCADA system. Communications links will be via leased telephone lines.