John Hanson Highway Water Main, Part I. WSSC Service Area, Maryland.
The original project from the early 1990’s was a 6 mile section of 30 and 36-inch water transmission main adjacent to US Route 50. The project was divided into three contracts with only Contracts B and C constructed. The 1.8 mile Contract A was delayed due to funding issues. In 2010, WSSC retained WRA to update the original Contract A design bypassing a new residential development and to reflect WSSC’s current standards.
Included in the pipeline design are two tunnel crossings of the state highway, mainline valve and vault installations, air release valve vaults, blow offs, entry port vaults, cathodic protection, and a Flow Control Vault with SCADA for flow regulation remote control.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Water Transmission and Distribution
Construction plans, profiles, details, and specifications were updated. Erosion and sediment control, restoration of the Bald Hill Branch stream crossing, traffic control, and stormwater management were included.
New surveys are based on aerial photography of the pipeline corridor.
Environmental design included wetlands investigation and permit preparation and acquisition from the CORPS, DNR, and MDE.
Water Pumping
Mechanical design included layout of the Flow Control Valve Vault per WSSC’s guidelines.
Structural design included the Flow Control Valve Vault and the Mainline Valve Vaults.
Electrical design included electrical service to the Flow Control Vault.
Instrumentation and Controls
Instrumentation and Controls included a SCADA system to remotely regulate and monitor flow.