I-95/I-495/I-295 Interchange. Prince George’s County, Maryland.
The I-95/I-495/I-295 Interchange was awarded the Award of Merit from ACEC/MD and the Outstanding Project in the Transportation Category, ACEC/MD.
As part of a joint-venture, WRA provided engineering services for the reconstruction of the interchange between I-95/I-495 and I-295 including additional interchange movements to a proposed commercial development at two National Harbor sites south of the interchange. Design included reconstruction and widening of 1.3 miles of I‑95/I‑495 and 0.6 miles of I‑295, and new alignments for 23 ramps (11 miles), with more than 20 bridges and 30 retaining walls, within four major construction projects. I‑95/I‑495 was redesigned to include an ultimate roadway section of three local lanes and three express lanes in each direction.