I-495 & I-270 Public-Private Partnership (P3) Program. Montgomery, Prince George’s and Frederick counties, Maryland.
WRA is a key team member leading the P3 program’s technical engineering and support services. Services include concept development, multi-discipline engineering and constructability studies, risk assessment and mitigation activities, utility engineering and coordination, scheduling, cost estimating, technical requirement development, and technical support for the program’s NEPA study. WRA is also providing environmental mitigation/permitting activities, financial and strategic planning efforts, budget analyses, public policy efforts, public relations, stakeholder and agency coordination, FHWA coordination, tolling and traffic and revenue studies and forecasts, document control management, and electronic data collection management.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Program Management
WRA is providing management of all engineering and technical staff, including the day-to-day engineering and technical activities, scheduling, and budgets. Our program management services include major highway and interchange widening, pedestrian and bicycle design, traffic modeling and engineering, ITS systems, MOT, structures (bridges, small structures, underground SWM vaults, retaining walls and noise walls), water resources, pavement, geotechnical and testing/drilling services, utilities, real estate acquisition, transit, noise analysis and layout, and topographic, right-of-way and boundary surveys.
Alternative Project Delivery
WRA’s multi-disciplined engineering team led the development of RFP technical requirements and provided discipline experts to assist in the evaluation of P3 developer technical proposals for Phase 1 (New American Legion Bridge I-270 Traffic Relief Plan). WRA is currently managing technical working group meetings and participating in design steering committees, P3 developer meetings, and commercial working groups. Additionally, our team is assisting in the management and oversight of the P3 developer’s safety management plan, environmental management and compliance plan, maintenance requirement plans, and materials management plan.
To identify potential transit investments complimenting the NEPA study, WRA prepared the Transit Services Coordination Report. The report presents information about regional populations and employment, potential transit markets, and current transit service along I-270 and I-495. Working with local governments and transit providers, WRA identified eleven potential new transit routes that would benefit from the highway improvements.
Construction Management
WRA is also responsible for the review and implementation of the developer’s Quality Management System, including the development of MDOT’s Independent Auditing and Independent Verification requirements, processes, and procedures.