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Evergreen Elementary School. St. Mary’s County, Maryland.

St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS) planned and constructed a new 70,000 SF elementary school to better serve the educational needs of the community.

WRA designed all site improvements, road grading, and utility extensions for a 55 acre site to support the new school. Site improvements included a soccer field, softball field, running path, bus parking loop, parking lot, SWM, water and sewer extensions, toad habitat protection, and landscaping. As part of the initial site planning process, WRA worked with the SMCPS create a site master plan to accommodate an early learning education center and a future county cross connector road. The project achieved a LEED Gold rating and was awarded the 2009 USGBC Maryland Charter Green Project of the Year for schools and universities.

Evergreen Elementary School
Project Highlights

Civil/Site Development

Site master planning was performed, along with site investigations, and the design of grading, SWM, field layout, utility infrastructure, and E&SC measures for the project. The design included ESD features such as green roofs and rainwater harvesting to support the project’s goal of meeting LEED Silver requirements.


Surveying services included performing aerial photogrammetric and supplemental topographic surveys of the project limits, as well as surveying locations of geotechnical investigations performed by the SMCPS.


Applications for permits and approvals from the County were prepared and secured approval from the County Planning and Zoning Commission for the site plan and the Town of Leonardtown for utility service connections were performed.

Landscape Architecture

Eight micro-bioretention facilities along with a bioswale were part of the landscape design. Parking lot landscaping, outdoor classroom tree shading, play areas, and lawn areas utilizing all native plant material were also created.