Chesterfield County Wastewater Facilities Plan. Chesterfield County, Virginia.
Population and demand distributions for years 2015 to 2035 were calculated. The Build-Out demand conditions were developed from the County’s 2012 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan. The water system was modeled using H20Map SWMM software by Innovyze. The evaluation identified sewer piping, pumping, storage and treatment needs classified as Growth-driven (developer-funded), Capacity-driven (County-funded) and Reliability-driven (County-funded) to be inserted in the County Capital Improvement Program. The plan was completed under an accelerated schedule, compressing a 14-month schedule and completing the project in eight months. Other key components of the plan include: Evaluation of the impacts to the County system from developing the southwestern area of the County, presently large acre lots served by well and septic; and Water Reuse.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Master Planning and Modeling
WRA’s planning group developed the future models and system demand, CIP and facilities plan document.