Anacostia Storage Facility. Capitol Heights, Maryland.
WRA designed the new facility which consists of five individual cells with a combined volume of 7.0 MG and is filled via a new pipeline tapped from the pumping station force main. The control system constantly monitors the discharge flow to the Blue Plains AWWTP to maintain a flow as close to 199 MGD as possible. The influent valve adjusts to increase or decrease flow to the storage facility in response to the discharge flow to the Blue Plains AWWTP. Each cell is drained by gravity to an existing influent pipe upstream of the pumping station. The control system also allows for partial draining of each cell during an event to maximize flow to the Blue Plains AWWTP and maximize available storage. The project was finished approximately seven months early and under the construction budget.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
WRA designed the Storage Facility including influent and effluent piping, control vaults and a flushing water cleaning system. Connections to an existing 72-inch force main and 66-inch influent pipe were designed to keep the station fully operational during construction.
WRA’s geotechnical group evaluated different foundation types to minimize differential settlement and to protect adjacent, existing structures. WR&A performed modeling to establish the estimated dewatering flow and assisted the Owner in obtaining a groundwater appropriation permit from the State of Maryland.