15th Street Water Treatment Plant. Ocean City, Maryland.
The plant is supplied by wells located at each of the original treatment plant sites as well as several new individual sites, and includes a chemical reaction tank, four dual media gravity filters, chemical storage and feed facilities, well houses, clearwell and finished water pumping. WRA coordinated pilot testing and performed the design for the new water treatment plant. The plant was designed for the removal of 1.0 to 4.0 mg/l of iron from the well supply, and to initially treat up to 8 MGD. Provisions were planned for the possible future addition of a membrane desalination facility, should the water supply ever be affected by salt water intrusion into the ground water aquifers. The addition of that process would reduce the treatment plant capacity to 6 MGD.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Water Treatment
Studies are on-going to determine the most appropriate process option for reducing concentrations of disinfection byproducts in the distribution system. Pilot studies of GAC filter media are currently being evaluated.
Electrical services included the installation of standby generators for the plant and south well field, electrical improvements to the associated well houses.
Instrumentation and Controls
Design included the replacement of the existing telemetry system with new system wide SCADA system.
Fire Protection
WRA installed a building sprinkler system and fire pump as part of the water treatment plant.