Patuxent Raw Water Main. WSSC Service Area, Maryland.
WRA’s alignment study developed and evaluated 11 preliminary alternatives along eight alignments. Following screening of alternatives, seven alternatives were evaluated for economic and non-economic considerations. During the alignment investigation, WRA assisted WSSC in a community outreach program to keep residents along the alignment informed.
Design for the new pipeline includes a flow network hydraulic analysis for surge control, air/vacuum valve vaults, blow off valves, corrosion protection, and the interconnection with the existing three pipelines in the vicinity of the filtration plant. The pipeline will be installed adjacent to West Bond Mill and Brooklyn Bridge Road, in the north bound travel lane of Bond Mill Road and will cross the BGE electrical transmission main property. A phased construction of the connections to the existing pipelines is required to maintain raw water supplies to the plant.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Water Transmission and Distribution
WRA performed field survey of the pipeline corridor and preparation of construction plans, profiles, details, and specifications. Easement drawings to obtain rights of ways from BGE and two private residents, traffic control, and erosion and sediment control were included.
Environmental design services include permit preparation and acquisition from DNR and MDE.