Dale Drive Sidewalk Project. Montgomery County, MD.
For a one-third mile stretch of Dale Drive from Mansfield Road to Hartford Avenue in Silver Spring, the topography adjoining the roadway has provided challenges for constructing a sidewalk adjacent to the roadway. WRA designed a concrete sidewalk and curb along the north side of this stretch of Dale Drive to provide a connection between existing sidewalks at both ends of the project. The existing parking conditions along each side of Dale Drive remain. The proposed 5-foot wide sidewalk will be constructed in front of residential properties with very steep yards which require the construction of retaining walls and the reconstruction of concrete entryway steps. A 5-foot sidewalk will be provided, except at driveway crossings. Where walls and ROW are not required, and where feasible, a 3’ to 6-foot landscaped buffer will be provided between the curb and sidewalk.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Because the sidewalk was constructed in front of residential properties with very steep yards, retaining walls and the reconstruction of concrete steps were required. A 7-foot sidewalk between a curb and retaining wall was constructed. Where possible, a 5-foot sidewalk was provided in conjunction with a 3- to 6-foot landscaped buffer.
Design of retaining walls, varying in height from two to eleven feet, was constructed in front of the steep yards. The wall is topped with an ornamental fence. WRA designed the walls as ‘L’ walls, varying in height from two to eleven feet, to minimize impacts to the adjacent property owners in front of very steep yards. The walls are topped with an ornamental fence.
The project included extensive coordination and relocation of Washington Gas, WSSC (water and sewer), PEPCO, and Comcast utilities. WSSC relocations and improvements were integrated into the contract documents due to the extensive maintenance of traffic/parking/pedestrian access along the corridor.
Water Resources
WRA provided improvements to the storm drainage system to accommodate additional runoff from the proposed sidewalk. The design of the storm drain system included a Stormceptor® hydrodynamic device to meet water quality requirements per MDE and Montgomery County stormwater management regulations.
WRA provided oversight and development review of tree save plans for the project as well as obtaining permits from MNCPPC for construction within parks.