I-495 at Arena Drive from MD 202 to MD 214. Prince George’s County, Maryland.
The Arena Drive interchange with I-95/ I-495 was only open to traffic during events at Jack Kemp Cook’s Stadium. SHA desired to open the interchange on a full-time basis and to do so require modifications to I-495 and adjacent interchanges at MD 202 and MD 214. Modifications include: an additional lane in each direction on I-95/I-495 to accommodate three through lanes and two collector-distributor lanes; removal of the northeast and northwest loop ramps of MD 214; removal of the northeast loop ramp at MD 202; widening of quadrant ramps at MD 214 and MD 202; resurfacing of I-95/I-495; reconstruction of existing local roadways; new closed drainage systems; installation of concrete median barrier; construction of a new SWM facility; revised roadway signing; new pavement markings; modifications to roadway lighting; four new and one reconstructed traffic signals; and roadway landscaping.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
WRA performed supplemental topographic surveys to verify aerial topography, established baseline of construction, performed as-built survey of stormwater management facilities.
Highway design included 1.9 miles of interstate roadway median widening for three thru lanes and two collector-distributer lanes, three interchange modifications including interchange ramp reconfigurations, secondary roadway improvements including modifying intersections to accommodate ramp entrance and exits.
Water Resources
WRA implemented SWM concept using single wet pond to reduce forest impacts. WRA designed 1700 LF storm drain trunk line including 48-inch conduit directional-drilled conduit under I-495 and developed of all ESC plans and coordinated phased approvals with MDE and MSHA.
Traffic design included signing and marking plans with innovative re-use of impacted sign structures; signal plans for four new signals and one reconstruction; signal interconnect plans; and interchange roadway lighting plans for new and modified lighting systems.
WRA analyzed six (6) existing sign structures to determine adequacy to support proposed signing. As a result of this effort, cost-savings were realized for two cantilever sign structures, two overhead sign structures and two overhead dynamic message sign structures.
WRA performed pavement evaluations, slope stability analysis, earthwork design and tunnel design for a stormdrain installed at a shallow depth beneath the DC Beltway.