Waldorf Park and Ride. Charles County, Maryland.
The new Waldorf Park & Ride facility is located on an 8-acre site at the southeast corner of the intersection of MD 925 and Smallwood Parkway. The commuter parking lot includes 547 parking spaces with ADA-compliant spaces, a bus access loop, adjacent shelters, sidewalks, lighting, localized widening along MD 925 to provide a right-turn lane from MD 925 onto Smallwood Parkway and a left-turn lane from MD 925 into the facility, and a new traffic signal with pedestrian accommodations at the intersection of MD 925 and Smallwood Parkway. The new facility will be surfaced with a combination of conventional concrete pavement and specialized pervious concrete pavement. In general, the entire commuter vehicle parking area will be composed of pervious concrete pavement, and only the bus entrance and exit loop will utilize conventional concrete pavement.
Services Performed
Project Highlights
Civil Land Development
Project construction has been divided into two phases. The initial phase includes the bus loop with the pervious parking areas completed as a last step. Phase Two involves reconstruction along MD 925, while providing a single lane in each direction.
Water Resources
The Stormwater Management design focused on preserving the pervious condition of the majority of the site and minimizing runoff from the 547 space parking lot. The design, which required extensive infiltration testing, incorporates pervious concrete and three (3) micro-bioretention practices.