Task Order Design Services Contract. BWI Airport & Martin State Airport.
Open-end contracts with the MAA have provided extensive project opportunities in many Maryland airports. The projects have ranged from runway and maintenance utility relocations and refurbishment, to tenant improvements and public area upgrades. Tasks have involved the expertise of surveying and geotechnical, civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers, as well as architects and interior designers. A focus of many upgrades has been to incorporate ADA compliance and Homeland Security measures to ensure passenger and employee safety and accessibility.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Projects have included the refurbishment of the BWI observation deck with children’s play area, replacing elevators and creating a staff break room from unused administrative spaces.
Interior Design
Interior projects within BWI included combining the children’s play area with the observation deck. This allowed for complete lighting, finishes and furnishing upgrades. Within another task, an employee break room was created out of a defunct storage and administrative area.
Projects included the relocation of Delta operations, security office, landside operations and pathfinders. Work included demolition and design for the new layout of ductwork, piping, terminal units, plumbing and controls.
Topographic field surveys were conducted at Baltimore Washington International Airport and at Martins State Airport for various engineering design projects. These surveys often involved extensive coordination with airfield operations and work on active runways and taxiways that required special airfield training.