Rutland Road. Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
WRA collaborated with the Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works in the design, permitting and construction of the project. The existing triple-cell, 48-inch corrugated metal pipe culverts were failing, the roadway overtopped during storm events, and the culverts presented an obstacle to white and yellow perch for upstream passage. The culverts also impounded a large pond which had to remain intact after the culverts’ removal. WRA performed watershed hydrologic/hydraulic analyses, conducted a Level II stream assessment, and designed an appropriate stream channel to provide fish passage through the new bridge opening. WRA’s design addressed the need to safely convey the 25-year design storm and increase hydraulic conveyance downstream while minimizing impacts to the stream, utilities and the traveling public.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Water Resources
WRA reviewed historical USGS discharge data and installed a stream gage to develop fish passage design criteria for the target species for flow velocity and flow depth during spawning season. WRA also utilized stream simulation and hydraulic simulation methodologies for the design.
WRA conducted geotechnical investigations for the structural designs of the roadway crossing and all proposed in-stream grade-control devices
WRA developed the structural design of the roadway crossing, including a natural channel through the structure and two rock ramps for grade-control to facilitate fish passage and an in-stream weir to maintain a static elevation f the upstream pond.