Runway Safety Area Improvements. BWI Airport, Maryland.
Major renovations/improvements were implemented on the 15R-33L Runway and two taxiway areas, which included rehabilitation of pavement, shifting the runway centerline to meet FAA requirements, new shoulders, holding pads and roadways. The SWM design utilized environmental site design practices, infiltration trenches and temporary storage areas to address water quality and quantity management for watersheds around the airport. The design also addressed rapidly drain ditches to prevent standing water that would act as a wildlife attractant.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Civil/Land Development
Site investigations and hydraulic/hydrologic analyses were performed along with designed grading, SWM facilities, and erosion and sediment control. SDP approval and waivers were also secured from Howard County. Construction inspection of the basins also occurred.
Supplemental topographic surveys of the project limits were conducted.
Site investigations were performed while permits/approvals such as the Forest Conservation Act compliance for the project were obtained.