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Route 40 Corridor Improvements. New Castle County, Delaware.

WRA developed and is implementing a 20-year transportation plan for the US 40 corridor. The project has been the model for transportation and land use integration in Delaware.

Working with the Delaware Department of Transportation, WRA has been responsible for the development and implementation of a 20-year transportation plan for the US 40 corridor in New Castle County, Delaware since 1998. Services have included long-range corridor planning and final design, traffic analysis and studies, alternatives analysis, context-sensitive solutions, environmental analysis and document preparation, a public involvement program, and implementation plans and strategies for $360 million worth of multi-modal improvements along a 10-mile corridor. Among the 80 concept designs in the plan, WRA has taken more than 20 projects to final design and construction, including intersection improvements, develop-funded connector roadways, sidewalks/shared-use paths, transit stop improvements, and bike lanes. The plan received DelDOT’s Outstanding Special Project Award.

Project Highlights

Program Management

WRA has directed the implementation of the plan since its adoption. The firm conducts on-going monitoring efforts to determine when plan projects are “triggered” by changes in traffic or development. When those “triggers” are met, the project moves forward.

Transportation Planning

WRA provided facilitation and technical support for a stakeholder Steering Committee. WRA subjected several transportation improvement scenarios to technical analysis and stakeholder comment, compiling a comprehensive package of highway, transit, and active transportation improvement recommendations. A Corridor Monitoring Committee, composed of Steering Committee members, continues to guide overall implementation.


As part of this program WRA has designed multiple highway projects, including two one-mile widening projects, multiple intersection improvements, and a two-lane roadway on new alignment. We also developed concepts for widening five miles of US 40 from four to six lanes.


Active transportation was a key element of the Route 40 Plan. WRA has designed ten miles of new bike lanes as part of the program, as well as eight miles of new sidewalks or shared-use paths.


A transit-specific working group assisted in the development of the original Plan. WRA has developed concept plans for shelter and accessibility improvements at 38 bus stops in the Route 40 area.


WRA conducts annual traffic and safety analyses for the 25 signalized intersections in the corridor. On a periodic basis, we update the Plan’s travel demand forecasts to ensure that the improvement program remains on track.


WRA is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the widening of Route 40 and has prepared multiple Categorical Exclusion Evaluations for individual projects.

Construction Management

WRA has provided construction related services for about 20 projects under the program, ranging from sidewalk improvements to major widening projects.