Route 250 over Buckingham Bridge Railroad Replacement. Albemarle, Virginia.
The existing reinforced concrete deck was in an advanced stage of deterioration, which required the District to post the bridge for Virginia Legal Loads. In our discussions with the Culpeper VDOT District, various scenarios were discussed and due to the current volumes of traffic, the District requested in our development of various options that WRA study accelerated bridge construction techniques in conjunction with traditional repairs to minimize disruptions to the traveling public. From these discussions, WRA developed two primary options, (1) repair the deteriorated concrete deck only and (2) replace the existing superstructure with minor modifications to the substructure. After the completion of the report, the District selected the option of using pre-stressed post tensioned box beams.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
WRA prepared plans which rehabilitated and strengthened the existing piers under traffic and in a 45 day period with the bridge closed, the existing superstructure was dismantled and replaced with adjacent prestressed concrete box girders.
Extensive studies were performed in anticipation of the roadway closure and detouring of traffic to Rte. I-64. Final details included altering of the signals at the Shadwell Interchange and significant signage to alert the traveling public of the roadway closure.