Ocean City Solid Waste and Recycling Center. Ocean City, Maryland.
Challenges included designing an aesthetically-pleasing facility and keeping odors and noise to a minimum to satisfy the neighboring $500 million resort community. The massing and cladding of the Ocean City Solid Waste and Recycling Center was designed to resemble the housing units directly across the inlet. Planning for the new facility included covered overnight parking for six trash trucks while maintaining vehicle maintenance facilities, an emergency helipad, public works offices, and storage facilities. The building’s structural framing was retained to shorten construction time and building materials were chosen that could hold up to the corrosive environment.
Photo credit: Alain Jaramillo

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Surveys were provided for pier locations and building construction. Utilizing survey control previously established by WRA in the Maryland State Plane Coordinate System NAD 83/91 and NAVD 88 elevations, the proposed piers and building were staked out for construction.
The architecture of the north and west elevations were detailed to reflect adjacent townhouse/condominium developments and to reduce the visual impact of this substantial structure. This was achieved using residential vinyl siding and trim attached to an insulated metal panel.