MDTA Signing Upgrades. Maryland.
Starting in the early 2000’s, WRA worked with MDTA’s Toll Plaza Committee to develop MDTA specific signing and pavement marking guidelines, since federal guidance in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) were not detailed enough. Using these guidelines, WRA prepared contract documents for eight construction contracts over 10 years to upgrade and replace all of MDTA’s signs facility-wide. In addition, 53 dynamic message signs (DMS) were incorporated into the signing contracts (31 replacements and 22 new DMS), which required on-going coordination with the MDTA’s ITS manager to ensure compatibility with several on-going ITS contracts. For the contracts along the Fort McHenry Tunnel segment of I-95, WRA worked with MDTA to facilitate coordination with Baltimore City and other agencies to develop a comprehensive supplemental guide sign destination plan for Baltimore City neighborhoods and destinations.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Unique aspects of the traffic control device design included the use of Clearview font for positive contrast guide signs, early adoption of prismatic retro-reflective sheeting in Maryland (ASTM Types IX/XI), and incorporation of E-ZPassSM logos on signs for electronic toll collection.
For the Fort McHenry Tunnel segment of I-95, which is comprised of viaduct sections through Baltimore City, WRA’s structural engineers designed 43 bridge-mounted overhead replacement sign structures to support static and DMS signs, as well as unique bridge-mounted supports for standard signs.
WRA’s electrical engineers developed power and communications designs for custom traffic control device applications. Examples included dual sign lighting/flasher cabinets, and advance drawbridge warning sign “trigger” cable replacement at the Key Bridge.