Maryland Tidal Wetland Mitigation-MD 335 . Dorchester County, Maryland.
The site of the mitigation contained a tidal marsh, which had been impacted by dumping of debris, wood chips, brush, and concrete. Much of the area impacted was covered by Phragmites, an invasive plant species which is difficult to control. The goal of the project was to remove the debris, create additional tidal wetlands, and remove Phragmites from the existing tidal wetlands. The final design encompassed approximately 4,000 sf of tidal marsh creation, the creation of a small tidal channel, and the control of Phragmites in an additional 4,000 sf of existing high marsh. Also included in the design were a wooded fence and easements to protect the site from future dumping. WRA prepared monitoring reports documenting site history, delineation, and functional assessment of the site.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
WRA prepared monitoring reports documenting site history, delineation, and functional assessment of the site. Under an on-call contract, WRA provided Environmental Design and Permitting for the Maryland SHA Environmental Programs Division (EPD).
WRA performed a detailed reference site survey, including the existing wetlands on site, and on adjacent properties, to determine the local tidal elevation range.
Water Resources
As part of the construction bid documents, WRA prepared an erosion/sedimentation control plan.
Construction Management
WRA prepared the construction bid documents, which included a grading plan, erosion/sedimentation control plan, a planting plan, and a planting summary and notes. Special provisions were developed for the site grading and planting, as well as construction inspection.