Maplewood Mall Reconstruction. Philadelphia, PA.
WRA performed conceptual and final design to redevelop a pedestrian friendly shared use street for the City of Philadelphia’s Commerce Department. The project included full reconstruction of the street, sidewalks, and the redevelopment of two park plazas for community gathering and events. A detailed traffic analysis and parking study was performed to determine street reconfiguration alternatives to increase vehicular traffic while maintaining a pedestrian friendly atmosphere to promote business growth along the mall. Sustainable material pallets were developed for the streetscape to reflect the history of the site and ease of maintenance. Stormwater runoff is being managed through the use of pervious hardscape materials and the reduction of impervious surfaces by increasing street tree plantings and green space. A local artist was added to the project team to incorporate art into the landscape and identify opportunities for community driven art to be included in the future.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Landscape Architecture
This high profile multi-disciplinary project is being led by WRA’s Landscape Architects. Responsibilities include project management, existing conditions analysis, concept design development and coordination, public involvement, final construction document development, and construction assistance and oversight.