Little Egypt Superstructure Replacement. Cecil County, MD.
Under an on-call engineering design contract with Cecil County, Maryland, WRA provided preliminary and final design engineering services for the superstructure replacement and rehabilitation of an existing single span steel beam bridge under full detour. WRA provided full service engineering including field surveying, hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, scour countermeasure design, environmental permitting, utility coordination, structural and geotechnical analysis and design, approach roadway design, and MOT coordination with five (5) jurisdictions to facilitate a full roadway closure. WRA also provided the County with construction engineering support services including the review of fabrication shop drawings and addressing issues associated with unforeseen field conditions. Design for this fast tracked project began in April of 2013. The bridge re-opened to traffic in May 2014.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
WRA provided final design services for the superstructure replacement of an existing single span, 20-foot long, steel beam bridge over the Christina River, including the reconstruction of the roadway approaches as needed.