Lewes Bus Transit Facility. Lewes, Delaware.
The 18,750 SF bus maintenance facility and site houses a 70 bus fleet for DelDOT. It includes two service bays, a bus wash bay, machine and tire shops, parts and tool storage, fare collection and counting, and driver lounge and dispatch areas. Fixed route and para-transit busses are accommodated by this facility. Shop equipment, such as fixed and mobile vehicle lifts, gasoline and diesel fueling operations, and site access control and security systems were selected for the facility. It also has the capacity to accommodate future compressed natural gas vehicle maintenance. The site design includes a future 2,500 SF visitor center with canopy covered patron waiting areas and a 246 space park-and-ride lot.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Civil/Land Development
Site features on this seven acre site included a 248 space park-and-ride facility. WRA designed permeable pavement, circulation and storage for 40 buses, sound barriers, site enclosure and security, storm water management facilities, erosion control and all applicable permits.
Survey work performed to verify and integrate boundary and topographic surveys provided by DelDOT and their subcontractors. Additional survey work was done to perform boring stakeout and to supplement that data in order to produce a Plat of Consolidation for DelDOT.
The bus transit center’s superstructure is comprised of hot-rolled steel framing (columns and girders) with open-web joist roof framing. The substructure is a series of spread and strip footings. The lateral system is an amalgamation of cross and chevron bracing.
Within a limited site, the maintenance facility is compact, while still providing all necessary functions and allowing for future fleet expansion. The masonry veneer will complement the adjoining visitor’s center, providing a welcoming presence to beach-goers along this heavily-travelled corridor.