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Land Use and Transportation Scenario Analysis and Microsimulation. Wisconsin & Delaware.

The State Smart Transportation Initiative commissioned WRA to develop a process that links 3-D GIS analysis of various urban forms, regional travel demand models, and 3-D microsimulation.

This process gives planners the ability to evaluate the impacts of urban form at the parcel level on multimodal travel demand (e.g. how many auto, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit trips are generated for a typical suburban neighborhood versus a compact urban neighborhood) at the neighborhood, community, region, and statewide level. The 3-D GIS aspect of the model allows quick visualization of development concepts by the public, and the 3-D simulation will allow for detailed evaluation of the impacts of transportation and land use scenarios on measures of effectiveness for each mode of travel.
The process allows traditional TAZ based models to operate at the tax parcel level within a project area. The project included developing a population synthesizer to establish the demographics of individual tax parcels.

Project Highlights


A GIS application was created to provide a user-friendly interface for development of micro model-level scenarios based upon various residential development patterns and proposed commercial and industrial land uses. The application provides for easy data exchange with travel demand modeling software.