Graving Docks 1 & 2. Groton, CT.
As part of a team of experts, WRA evaluated the failure of a steel sheet pile cell in General Dynamics Corporation Electric Boat Dry Dock Number 3. Based on the similar design of adjacent Graving Docks Numbers 1 and 2, the Owner determined that the service life of these active docks should be extended by a minimum of 50 years. WRA conducted a long term life extension study of the docks, designed an innovative renovation solution, prepared construction contract documents, and provided construction phase support services throughout the two year construction schedule. The renovation project used over 35,000 cubic yards of concrete reinforced with over seven million pounds of rebar and over 260 high-strength steel tie rods to encapsulate the existing graving dock walls. The completed renovation, estimated at $65 million, will allow Electric Boat to significantly reduce facility operating and maintenance costs.