Gleneagles North Neighborhood. Charles County, Maryland.
Located adjacent to a county park, at the interception of two arterial roadways, Gleneagles North Neighborhood is part of the epicenter of a community that has been under development for close to 50 years. The 260 acre neighborhood is the home of over 500 apartments, 270 single family lots, 220 townhouse lots, and a village center commercial parcel.

Services Performed
Project Highlights
Civil/Land Development
Performed tasks included field investigations, village master planning, and preliminary neighborhood subdivision planning as well as grading, parking lot, and road design, utility infrastructure, stormwater management facilities, and erosion and sediment control measures for the neighborhood development.
Transverse, bench marks, and boundary surveying were provided along with aerial survey coordination and the preparation of final subdivision plats.
Applications for approvals from the Charles County Planning Division and the Maryland Department of the Environment/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were prepared along with site investigations.
Traffic and signal warrant studies along with traffic plan maintenance occurred during this project in addition to the signage and pavement marking plans. Three traffic signals to support ultimate build-out traffic flow were also designed.
Landscape Architecture
Landscape design was provided to 90 townhouse units and 10 lot single family homes. The design included streetscaping, bufferyard, and the landscaping of 44 micro-scale practices (submerged gravel wetlands, landscape infiltration, bio-swales, micro-bioretention and bioretention facilities) for stormwater management.